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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards


2021/2022 School Year

14th Jan 2022
Our P7 children enjoy P.E. every Wednesday and Friday. This term on a Friday they...
17th Dec 2021
In the absence of our normal invitation to Ard's Evangelical Church for the annual...
17th Dec 2021
P3/4 performed a rhyming nativity play written by author Shelley Spiers. We hope...
15th Dec 2021
P5/6 made some Rudolph art today. Take a look at their colourful creations!
9th Dec 2021
Today we transported oursleves to the North Pole via some 'Green Screening' as Santa...
4th Dec 2021
Starts Friday 10th December until Thursday 16th December. Good Luck everyone.