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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards



Mission Statement

Loughries Integrated Primary School fosters a nurturing environment which encourages, supports, develops and challenges each child to reach their full potential.

We endeavour to equip our pupils with the skills and qualities needed to work together for a shared future.


To provide an efficient programme of assessment across the curriculum that is accurate and useful.

To build good practice of careful analysis and understanding of assessment information.

To use the outcomes of assessment to set realistic targets and inform planning.

To enable teachers to plan teaching and learning that best matches the needs of our pupils and enables them to succeed.

To communicate assessment information accurately and clearly to Governors, Principal, teachers, parents, pupils and outside agencies.

To maintain confidential, detailed and useful records on performance.

Assessment in Loughries Integrated Primary School

Diagnostically – to identify strengths and areas for improvement;

Diagnostic tests support the process of identifying learners’ needs or barriers to learning to inform future teaching and learning.

Aims through Using Diagnostic Testing

  • To support learning and teaching.
  • To provide evidence of strengths and weaknesses.
  • To inform planning at individual, class and whole school levels.
  • To report to stakeholders on strengths and weaknesses.

Evidence is gathered and analysed from the results of standardised tests in English and Mathematics from Primary 3 to Primary 7 and CAT4A in P4 and CAT4B in P6. The formal assessment instruments that are employed include CAT4, Progress Test in English and Progress Test in Maths. THE CAT4 measures verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial reasoning. The assessment data allows the Principal to quickly find which children are underperforming, over performing and the progress made from year to year with PTM and PTE. It enables the Principal to accurately baseline our pupils against national benchmarks. 

Standardised test results enable teachers to identify specific strengths and weaknesses and so plan for future teaching and learning. This evidence may also be used to provide information about the work of a particular pupil in order to ensure that sufficiently challenging goals are set and a specific targeted plan for our Gifted and Talented pupils or, conversely, to indicate that the pupil’s name should be placed on the Special Needs Register as he/she requires additional support or identifies underachievers who then can be given a specific targeted plan.

The Salford Reading Test and NFER reading test is administrated by Mrs Rea during the autumn and summer term to all the children. All the children are then tracked from year to year. The child’s reading age is recorded in years and months with a record made of months below or above their chronological age. This data is shared with the Principal and the class teachers. 

 Formatively –to identify successes and progress and to target improvement;

Formative assessment informs the learning process. Observations and Assessment for Learning are used to inform learning. Formative assessment is an integral process within lessons and involves teachers and pupils.

Observations are used to inform teaching and learning at Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Foundation Stage Teacher has an Observation Folder and the KS1 and KS2 teachers record observations within the evaluation section of their medium term planners.

Assessment for Learning

The key strands of Assessment for Learning are:-

  • Sharing of Learning Intentions
  • Use of Success Criteria
  • Effective Questioning
  • Peer and Self-Assessment
  • Constructive Feedback

This powerful approach to teaching and learning will improve performance when embedded effectively in regular classroom practice. We have been developing the use of assessment for learning throughout the school across the curriculum. 

Formative assessment is used to inform short term planning, identifying next steps towards improvement at individual and class levels.

Summatively – to measure performance at a point in time, e.g. class tests.

All class teachers assess pupil progress in each Cross Curricular Skill (Communication, Using Mathematics, Using Information and Communications Technology), Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making, Self Management, Working with Others, Managing Information and Being Creative) and all areas of learning and report to parents in the Annual Report.

End of Key Stage Assessment of Core Skills is completed in P4 and P7 and incorporates the use of CCEA Assessment Tasks.

Annual reports for Y1-Y7 pupils are a statutory requirement.

Evaluatively – to inform planning and support monitoring of progress and improvement.

Evaluative assessment is carried out at class and whole school levels. Analysis is used to inform the School Development Plan.

In Loughries we use a variety of assessment procedures which include:

  • Assessment of Planning

In Loughries Integrated Primary School we have created a very positive school culture and ethos which is built on collaboration, joint participation, and collegiality. Every member of staff works as part of a team which involves, co-operation, participation, consultation and sharing of ideas, expertise and resources.

Standardised Tests are completed in P3-P7 (April/May) and the Principal adds these to the Assessment part on SIMS each year. The children undertake class tests throughout the year and the results are recorded in a table and stored in the class teachers folder which then informs future planning and support for children

Children in P4 and P7 complete end of Key Stage assessment tasks.


Continuous monitoring is based on existing good practice. From assessment material gathered over a period of time, teachers will be able to determine the progress made by each pupil in relation to each attainment target. It also supports the summative aspects of assessment since it provides information which can be used at particular times e.g. end of Key Stage.