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Loughries Primary School, Newtownards
We are looking for a School Crossing Patrol for our school. If interested please visit the Education Authority website and jobs. Link:
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Our Topic this term is 'The Irish Potato Famine'.

20th Sep 2017

In Literacy the class are reading Under The Hawthorn Tree. You can increase the range of books that you read by downloading ebooks and audio books from just by using your membership number. 

In Numeracy we are working on Place Value. You can practise your understanding by visiting bbcbitesize ks2 maths place value. Don't forget to continue to test your mental maths skills on SumDog.


In ICT we are working on our presentation skills. We will be creating a PowerPoint with a partner. We shall then move on to programming. You can download the app Scratchjunior and have fun programming your own character to move around the screen.